Guidelines and Expectations Online Learning
Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance ourselves. And only through working on the self can we begin to enhance our connectedness to to others.
Harriet Lerner

I thought it would be nice to have a page for all the information you might need to know involving online learning during school closures. Please give me feedback if there is any information that I should add.
Email: mcrawford1@sandi.net
I try to check email all day, but set aside time each morning before 8 am to respond to any emails I missed from the day before. I get a lot of emails these days, so please be patient, but I generally respond in 24 hours or less during the week.
Google Classroom: All assignments and information will be provided through Google Classroom. I generally post things every day we have class. You can access Google Classroom using the district ID and password. Students can either contact me using their district email, which is your ID#@stu.sandi.net, for example 123456@stu.sandi.net, or can also send me a Private Message on Google Classroom, using the Private Message post in the Classwork tab.
Zoom Office Hours:
I will have an open zoom twice a week, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, to answer questions and clear up confusions. Day and time will be determined by student need once classes begin, with the goal of not overlapping other 8th grade teachers' times.
Student Expectations
Live science classes will take place every other day on zoom, for 85 minutes. There is an additional 90 minutes of independent work time required before the next class session.
Assignments and Grading
Students will keep an online notebook using Google Slides. Instructions for this will be given on Google Classroom. Most work we do will be kept in the notebook. The notebook itself will not be graded, but there will be certain pages that will be used to determine grades.
Students will be on zoom to learn how to do the work, or watching videos I have recorded to explain the work. I will also explain the work in writing. They will do the work in their notebooks. This work will include Asking Questions, Drawing/Building Models, Analyzing Data, Constructing Explanations, and Engineering (some very simple engineering). Rubrics will be used to grade these assignments.
Every assignment can be revised and resubmitted for a regrade, as often as a student would like. Most assignments can receive a full 100% with a resubmission, however assessments can only receive a 90% with a retake/revision.